"Talking Shop"

The Power of Pop-Up Shops

21 Jan 2024

Join Ami Rabheru and her guests as she delves into the potential of pop-up shops as a powerful marketing tool for digital-first online brands and online pure-play retailers. As consumer behaviour evolves and online customer acquisition becomes increasingly challenging, pop-up shops emerge as a game-changing strategy for digital-first businesses to make a significant impact, grow sales and delight their customers. The session will explore 2024 retail trends and insights into consumer expectations and the challenges of online pure-play brands and share compelling insights from guest experts who have mastered pop-up shops. Join this session to learn how these temporary, physical retail spaces have redefined the shopping experience and enabled online brands to connect with their customers on a deeper level, enabling them to continue delighting their customers and capitalising on sales growth and brand awareness. 

Ami Rabheru
Ami Rabheru - Retail Huddle
Ilana Ewing
Ilana Ewing - Pretty Pink
Magdalena Och
Magdalena Och - Och Vegan
Nicola Scarff
Nicola Scarff - Noah Home & Gift