Fiona Richmond
Fiona Richmond has been actively promoting and supporting quality food and drink production for more than 18 years, working with industry leadership organisation Scotland Food & Drink since 2009, managing various projects across food tourism, regional food development, foodservice and major events. Fiona was named one of the UK's top 20 icons of the industry by Speciality & Fine Food magazine 2019, she previously worked with the Slow Food movement, including a period in the international headquarters in Italy. She is a board member of Guest Les Dames D'Escoffier London, a branch of the international philanthropic association of leading women in the world of food, drink and hospitality. Fiona was also named one of the Top 100 Women in Tourism and The Scottish Women’s Awards Best Professional in Business 2022.
Twitter @scotfooddrink @fionarichmond8;
Insta @fionarichmond_836