Christopher Slater
Christopher Slater owns and manages Glen Appin of Scotland with his wife Diane. It is very much a family business with Christopher, who has a background in illustration and design, designing all of Glen Appin’s products himself, two daughters producing artwork for products, one daughter as the main model and a son-in-law as photographer.
After leaving Art College, Christopher worked as a freelance illustrator before moving to Edinburgh in 1990 to set up a property investment company. His new company bought and let out flats. Later a subsidiary company began investing in children’s nursery schools. In 1997 Christopher and Diane bought out the nursery schools business and enjoyed running it for 11 years. Christopher also worked for a timeshare salmon fishing business during this time.From2008 Christopher returned to property and began buying and refurbishing flats in Edinburgh with a business partner.
In 2012 Christopher and Diane purchased the Scottish gift business Bulloch, Cowell & Co which was first established in 1903. Christopher changed the company’s image and changed the company name to its longstanding brand name-Glen Appin of Scotland. The company is well-known for its large range of Harris Tweed bags and accessories but the product range includes tea towels, napkins, pet products, stoneware and children’s clothing. Glen Appin of Scotland is now one of the largest buyers of Harris Tweed cloth and Christopher is proud to be such a big supporter of the Harris Tweed industry and the island community which produces it.