Product Catalogue
Dreamair Ltd - we have been around over 20 years selling home decor hand painted glass and china , originally to shops and stores we moved to online retailing online 12 years ago. Three years ago we put together a very good range of hand crafted quality door knockers registered the brand as Casas Door Furniture - the word Casas is Spanish for houses and also happens to be the maiden name of Mair Williams' ( the owner of Dreamair ) Spanish mother - and prepared to attend trade shows to launch our lovely knockers. Then we all know what happened in unprecedented times etc etc etc!! All our plans paused so we are really excited to be attending Scotland Trade Fair for the first time.
We have 10 collections : Hearts, Music, Squirrels, Foxes, Bees, Seahorses, Newts, Owls and Hedgehogs we love the cute baby owls and really proud of our new hedgehog which has been created to our design and specification.