Press Releases

30 Nov 2022

Glencroft Wins Yorkshire Post Rural Business Of The Year

Glencroft Stand: A80
Glencroft Wins Yorkshire Post Rural Business Of The Year
Rural Award winners listed in Yorkshire Post newspaper

The Yorkshire Post’s Rural Awards celebrate the successes of businesses, organisations and individuals in the agricultural sector and the lifestyles that make our region’s countryside a wonderful place to live and work.

After being shortlisted for this category back in September we were excited to attend the event and meet all the other nominees for all the awards. Everyone we spoke to had a fantastic business story, from farmers diversifying their businesses and looking after the land for future generations to food businesses supplying locally sourced produce around the world. We were up against stiff competition alongside James Wilding Joinery; Red Stag Media; How Stean Gorge; and Soanes Poultry.

This is the first award we’ve ever won so we were very suprised when they read our name out! Edward had to check with his colleague that he had actually heard our business name before collecting it and being asked to give a short speech
